• Just Enough

    My recent post on Crystal Clear caused a bit of a stir. One of the common threads was around “Just Enough”. In 1996, the product team I led at Reuters transitioned over to DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) from RAD…

  • Approaches, Lets Try A New Blend

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about Crystal Clear, DSDM, XP, and Scrum; the most common Agile methodologies, with distinct approaches and philosophies. It was good, but could it be improved? I sat on the train earlier, commuting home, looking…

  • Distinctiveness in Approaches, is it Crystal Clear

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about Crystal Clear, XP (Extreme Programming), and Scrum; common Agile methodologies that have distinct approaches and philosophies. It was good, but not good enough. I neglected to add DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method). Considering…

  • Crystal Clear

    “Crystal Clear: A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams” by Alistair Cockburn is a lightweight Agile framework designed for small, co-located teams. I recently wrote a blog post on its use from a non-software perspective. I’ve had some questions sent in…