Management 3.0

Today I received some exciting news, “You’ve been selected as a member! Thank you for taking the time to apply, and congratulations”.

Having missed out on last year’s intake (annual cohort limited to 100 professionals), I’ve managed to join the Management 3.0 Community.

When considering joining the Management 3.0 Community, I found that “who we are and why we’re here” resonated with me:

The Management 3.0 Community members are leaders who blend curiosity and focus in their pursuit of personal and professional growth. We are the kind of leaders who embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, constantly learning and seeking innovative solutions. We come together to connect with like-minded people who want to make a difference in themselves and in the systems they are part of at work, at home, and in society. 💙
Where Difference-Makers make a difference!

I am certainly looking forward to their monthly Leadership Gym. A space to flex one’s leadership muscles. Where members get the chance to share, get, and give support around each other’s challenges under a selected theme.

But firstly, I’m joining the 5-week FastTrack Program, to delve deeper into the Management 3.0 Principles…


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